Monday, June 25

Back to the Basics

Today's theme was "Back to the Basics". Swings, Cleans, Presses and Push ups. My goal was to do 100 Swings, 30 Cleans, 10 Presses and 25 push ups. The swings and cleans with a 28kg the rest with a 24kg.
I didn't have the time I needed to get in a more committed session, but I wasn't looking for one either. Today was just a reminder of what the "core" of my kettlebell commitment is...Swings, Cleans & Presses.
I actually love the snatch, but my hands were not willing. I need to take care of a few issues before I get back to the snatches. Trust me, the better you take care of your hands the better off you will be.
I went to the April edition of the RKC certification and my weakest link hands. Try swinging a Kettlebell 8 hours a day for 3 straight days.
I figured my body could. I forgot to think of my hands!

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