Friday, June 29

GS Style?

Due to the back to back sessions yesterday, my hands needed some rest. I figured they could rest till about 6PM.
I am still curious as to the difference in styles of Pavel and Valery...

The "GS" Style:
One handed swings 25L, 25R x 10
500 Swings x 20Kg (Went w/20Kg to get my form)
One minute 3 Point Planks x 5
Swim for 30 minutes

I use more hamstrings in the "GS" style swing and I don't tire as easily. It almost as if, I'm using less effort. If that's the case, am I getting as good a workout as I would using the traditional RKC method? Tension vs. Efficiency?
Maybe its all in how you use the 2 methods. Reps vs. Time


Anonymous said...

If I'm just starting what should I do?

Tom, Healy, RKC said...

Find a certified RKC in your area. In Minneapolis I recommend Rom Morris.
The RKC's have a great foundation in kettlebells training and can get you going in the right direction.
The GS style is a little different, It's really all about what you want to do with the kettlebells ie Sport, Fitness, weight loss etc.
I would get one of Pavels books such as Enter the Kettlebell...