Monday, February 18

Keepíng it going

Just a little something to keep the faith...
Warm Up
Alt Farmers walk to beach
100 Swings
Swing,Catch,Halo, Squat Thrust
10 Reps
Snatches 15 Sec On-Off
10 Sets
100 SwingS
Rack Position back to room. Used the elevator this time though...


juandissimo said...
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juandissimo said...

Tom - Here's an interesting excerpt regarding the TGU from a thread on Anthony's site:

"Instead of a weight in your hand, imagine (or maybe even try!) doing the Turkish getup with a paper cup filled with water. The idea is that no matter what you do in the get up, get down, you need to keep water from spilling out of the cup.

That visual or actual exercise (with a full or empty cup) keeps you always looking at the cup (which would be correct for a getup) and tends to force you to have your shoulder and arms in a safe positon...if you tip the cup, that probably means your arm, shoulder, elbow, wrist, etc has been compromised in a bad way. Of course, a cup doesn't have weight, so there are other points to consider under weight. But the cup of water analogy gives one a great visual of the orientation in space between the body positions and the weight to build in safer movement."