Sunday, November 18

Timed Sets in a Sunday Class

Today David had us work on our form in the "form" of timed sets. Its easier to concentrate on the movement of the kettlebell and body during these sets. No worry about reps and the time format slows you down a bit.

Warm Up
- 50 Swings - 20,10,10,10
- 2 Minute Swings 2 Hand
- 2 Miunte Swings 1 Hand
- 2 Minute Swings 1 Hand
- 2 Minute Cleans
- 2 Minute Cleans
- 2 Minute Clean & Jerks
- 2 Minute Jerks
- 6 Minute Snatch
- 10 Minute Snatch

Spent time learning the proper way to do timed sets. Do not count reps, just focus within and work on FORM!

Friday, November 16

Garage Take 2

Warm Up
- One Arm Swings 24 Kg
50 L
Hand Switch
50 R
- 10 Push Ups
- One Arm Jerk 24 Kg
5 Minute
L, R
- 10 Push Ups
- Snatch 20 Kg
4 1/2 Minutes
2.5 R
2 L
(I was getting a little tired on the left side and I beleive my mind played a quick trick on me....I thought for an intance the 2 1/2 minutes were up. I was wrong, but quit before I could call myself on it.)
-10 Puch Ups
- Russian Twists 20 Kg
- Plank Variations

Thursday, November 15

Garage Work

Warm Up
5,4,3,2,1 Ladder
- 10 Push Ups
1/2 Get Up
5,4,3,2,1 Ladder
- 10 Push Ups
10 Minute Snatch Set
16 Kg
- Plank Variations

Quick workout- I will start back at 6 Minutes with a 20 Kg for the snatch set.

Tuesday, November 13

Tuesday Class with Jay

No energy today. Should I have gone to Kettlebells...Yes!

More Circuit Training. I like the pace of this style workout. It keeps me in groove and focused.
Finished with a 10 minute session of 5 Swings, 5 Cleans, 5 Snatches Left, Repeat Right then active recovery of a mobility move of Jays.
Lay down, sit up, swing knees to the left, up on knees to your feet. I have trouble with the knee swing - need to work on this!

Sunday, November 11

Sunday Class

Good Turnout!

We did some circuit training
4 stations
x's 2
8 Different exercises

Jerk Set
2 16 Kgs
6 Minutes

Plank Variations

Friday, November 9

Blister Workout

- 3 Minute Jerk Set
2 - 24 Kg's
- 1 Minute Double Static Rows
2- 24 Kg's
- Kettlebell Push Ups
15 reps
- Alternating Cleans
2 - 12 Kg's (Don't hurt the blisters)
- Russian Twist
20 Kg
20 Reps x 2 sets
- Two Minute One Hand Swings
R & L
12 Kg's - Again they didn't hit my bilsters
- 4 Minute One Arm Jerk Set
2 on the R. 2 On the L
- Plank Variations

Monday, November 5

AOS Essence Test

Have to do this with a 24 Kg. My weight is up to 175 Lbs.....

1/2 Get Up
30 Sec High Pull/Snatch Right Hand
30 Sec Press
30 Sec Squat
30 Sec Clean
30 Sec Swing
30 Sec Figure 8 to a hold
30 Sec Swing Left Hand
30 Sec Clean
30 Sec Squat
30 Sec Press
30 Sec Hign Pull/Snatch
1/2 Get Up

Failed at the Press on the Left Hand.
Will try again

Saturday, November 3

Saturday Class

Working with combination exercises. Pick up the kettlebell and don't set it down.

20 2 Arm Swings
10 L Hand Swings
10 R Hand Swings
10 Darcey

5 Swings R
5 High Pulls R
5 Snatches R
5 Presses R
5 Squats
Repeat on the left
X's 2

One Hand Swing R Transfer
To 2 Hand Swing & Catch
Two Hand Swing Transfer
To One Hand Swing L
5 Sets
X's 2

Worked on Dead Cleans with Heavier Kettlebells
Lying Presses
Kettlebell Situps
Kettlebell Flying V

100 Swings

Plank Variations