Monday, December 31

Omlet by Maxwell

I love Steve Maxwell's style - Pick up a kettlebell and don't set it down till you done.

Here is one of his I like a lot!

The Omlet & Heaven & Hell

Warm Up
5 Swings R
5 High Pulls
5 Snatches
5 Clean & Press
5 Circle Cleans
5 Squats
5 Swings L
5 High Pulls
5 Snatches
5 Clean & Press
5 Circle Cleans
5 Squats
Repeat 3 Times

5 Halo's
5 Deck Squats
Repeat 3 Times

Plank to Finish

Saturday, December 29

30 Second Drills

Tried something new for me, a series of 30 seconds of various exercises.
In a class format:

Warm Up -
- 30 Seconds Double Kettlebell Sings
30 Seconds Jump Rope
Repeat 3 Times
- 30 Seconds Double Kettlebell Swing
30 Seconds Single Kettlebell Swing R
30 Seconds Single Kettlebell Swing L
30 Seconds Romp Rope
Repeat 3 Times
- 30 Seconds Snatch R
30 Seconds Jump Rope
30 Seconds Snatch L
Repeat 3 Times
- 30 Seconds Clean & Press to a Windmill R
30 Seconds Slingshot
30 Seconds Clean & Press to a Windmill L
Repeat 3 times
Plank Positions Static Holds

This little workout was a killer, the easy part was with the Kettlebell, that hard part was the jump rope! I had to take some of the Jump Rope sections out because I was getting too smoked!

Thursday, December 27

5 's

Warm Up

5 Swings
5 High Pulls
5 Snatches
5 Clean & Press
5 Bottoms Up Cleans
5 Reverse Lunges
Slingshot (Around The World)
Repeat Left Side
5 Sets

30 Swings
30 Sec Rest
5 Sets

Wednesday, December 26

ALA Maxwell

A friend of mine lent me a few DVD's of Steve Maxwell. He's 50 some years old and you would never know by watching him swing the kettlebell. He has wisdom, experience and a hell of a lot of strength.
He makes everything looks easy!

Warm Up

Right Side
5 Swings
5 High Pulls
5 Snatches
5 Clean & Press
5 Circle Cleans
5 Reverse Lunge
Left Side repeat
3 sets

Heaven & Hell
Deck Squats
5 reps
3 sets

Sunday, December 23

Something Simple

Warm Up
-20/10/10/10 Swings
-10:00 Single Arm Jerk Set
-10:00 Snattch Set
-30 Swings
1:00 Kettlebell plank variations
3 sets

Time 25:00

Thursday, December 20

Return of the 16

I lend out my kettlebells all the time. I don't mind, if someone wants to try them out for a little problem. Most people find they like them so much they want their own. Just spreading the word via kettlebell.
One of my 16's came back today, so...
Warm Up
Swings 20,10,10,10
Jerk Set
2 - 16's
7 Minutes
It's impressive when I see others use the 32's. I'm not even 1/2 way! I have to admit using the 32's in not one of my goals right now. I think I can get everything I need out of the 24's!
Snatch Set
16 Kg
7 Minutes
30 Swings 28 Kg
Single Kettlebell Plank
1 Minute
30 Swings 28 Kg
Single Kettlebell Plank
1 Minute
50 Swings 28 Kg
Cool Down
Time 3o:00

Monday, December 17

Monday in the garage

Cleaned the garage out. I've got to have a cool, clean space to practice my kettlebells!

Warm Up
20/10/10/10 Swings
30 Swings
One Minute Drill
Rest One Minute
10 Sets
For the One Minute drill I did a variety of exercises. Started with legs and the Kettlebell Squat, then moved to the Plank position with rows and push ups thrown in.
I get a good body/cardio workout here.

Total Time 35:00

Saturday, December 15

Class at the Club

Went to class today. It was crowded there. A ggod sign!
Warm Up
Terri's workout. Not esay. Did the "50 thingy" only she changed it to the "100 thingy"
20/10/10/10 Swings
TGU 3-5 a side
100 Thingy -
10-Clean & Press
Forgot middle segment?
Ab Work

Thursday, December 13

More Timed Sets

Trying to nail down a few different types of workouts I like.
Timed Set - Sport style
Strength - Less reps more weight.
Cardio - More reps less weight.
Kettlebell Club - A good mix of everything.
Practice - Focusing on form.
Ala Carte - Just making it up as I go!

Warm Up
- Swings 24 Kgs
- Long Cycle 2 12 kgs
10 Minute
6 rpm
Getting better at the rest portion of the drill.
- Snatch set 16 Kgs
6 Minute
7 rpm
-Double Swings 2 24Kgs
20 Reps
-Plank to finish

Wednesday, December 12

Light & Easy!

Warm Up
Decided to go light today...
- 20/10/10/10 Swings
- Long Cycle 2 12Kgs
8 Minute
6 rpm
- Snatch Set 1 12 Kgs
8 Minute
7/8 rpm
- Circle Drill
8 reps
- Halo's
10 reps
- Russian Twists

- Plank to finish

Monday, December 10

Long Time Without a Post

Who knew it was this long....
My workouts have been strong with an emphasis on cardio. The last week has been combinations of a 10 set cardio program.
Today -
Warm Up
- 30 Swings - One Hand, Two Hand, etc.
- 10 Snatches L,R
Rest One Minute
10 Sets - Working towards 15 Sets
- Ab Work - Planks, Sissors, Bicycle, Russian Twists etc.
- Stretch
No More than 4o Minutes!