Tuesday, June 10

Long Time Away....

Life interrupted my kettlebell journey for a while, just getting back on path. While I was away I had an Epiphany:
1) Lots of BS out there concerning right, wrong paths to physical fitness and well-being. Discover for yourself, your own path... What works for you!
2) Your workout plan should be total body based - meaning the body AND the mind. These two ingredients are needed for any sort of measurable improvement or success.
3) Common Sense - Listen to your body, you don't have to get carried away and "Workout" for 40 minutes. Sometimes 10 or 15 is just fine!
4) What types of exercises to do? Just pick the things that have a direct correlation to your life style. For me I'm looking for an increase in overal strength with a big emphasis on cardio - Kettlebell swings, snatches, presses & rows (I throw in a LOT of Kettlebell exercises), Push ups, Pull Ups, Jump Rope,body weight exercises then some Yoga style body moves to pull everything together.

So What did I do today?

14 Minute timed Snatch set with a 12kg.
One Hand Swings 24 Kg

Just a quick workout with a light weight. Was my form as good as it could be?
But it felt pretty good!

1 comment:

juandissimo said...

Tom, Welcome back. I was beginning to wonder where you had disappeared to.