Monday, November 17

Training Log

Snatch Test Day

Dragon Door supposedly changed the snatch requirements for passing the RKC certification. It's time I test myself to find out where I'm at...haven't been practicing near as much as I used to, or liked to.

I looked at the web site and they still have the old requirements, but what the heck, lets try it anyway!

80 Snatches in under 5 Minutes. Unlimited Hand Switches.

Here's what I did:
8 Sets of 5L/5R Snatches
Total = 80
Under 5 Minutes

This is easier than the previous test. Why are they making it easier?

Or I must be stronger than I was before?

Finished with some Leg Work...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi from Mexico, im a martial arts instructor and i been doing kettlebells for about a year i can swing 45 pounds in sets of 100 swings, but lately i been having trtouble whit my knees could this be caused by the way i swing? i will apreciate all the help you can give me , in my country is very hard to find info about kettlebell or even a certified instructor. thank you for you time