Thursday, February 28

8 Minutes?

I've been back and forth on the timed set stuff. I've made it to 8 minutes before, then back away a bit, move on to other stuff and when I return to the timed set, I have to start all over again.
Is it because the other stuff is not translating to gains or even holds in the timed set style? I don't know.
I do know that timed set stuff translates to gains in my other stuff. I think I'm not doing my other stuff enough or I'm not doing it right.
Back to the timed sets:
Warm Up
8 Minute Snatch Set (16Kg)
12 RPM
On the forth cycle through on my Right I cut it down to 9 RPM - Left 4 RPM
Form went bad. Still held it over head to complete the timed set.
8 Minute LCCJ (16Kg)
Tried to keep the bell under my foot to decrease stress on my bum knee. Got the tip from a RKC/AKC phenom. It's really all about FORM!
100 Swings 24 Kg

This tells me to stay with the timed sets more regularly. Maybe get a crude schedule to fit the timed stuff in...

Monday, February 25

Cypress - Version # 1

This isn't my idea, but whatever I conversed with a local kettlebeller who seems to have it going on, inside the loop. He just received AOS's Providence & Newport workout DVD's. He said they are pfg.
I need to try these, but until then I'll make up my own.
I call the first attempt Cypress...I know not original but who cares!
This workout is based on the format AOS uses for Providence.
13 exercises @ 2 minutes each with a 1 minute rest period in between. Followed by some ab work and a 3 minutes snatch set.
I sat down and put this together:
Warm Up
1. Turkish Get Up (Only a 16 Kg)
2. 2 Hand Swings 24 Kg
3. Snatches 24 Kg
4. Windmill to an Overhead Squat (Only a 16 Kg)
5. Clean & Jerk 24 Kg
6. Squats 24 Kg
7. 1 Hand Swings 24 Kg
8. Plank Position/Static Hold
9. Slingshots 24 Kg
10. Swing, catch & waiter press & Hot potato (Only a 16Kg)
11. Renegade Rows (Only a 16 Kg)
12. Cocktail Twist (Only a 16 Kg) - This one was the hardest of all!
13. Swings & Burpees

- 2 Minutes of Ab work - I was pretty wasted by this time!
- 3 Minutes snatch set (Only a 16 Kg)
I went with the 16Kg on some of these because I wanted to survive this workout. I try to make sure I can finish a workout before I start one. Failing to get through a workout can be counter productive. I finished this one, so I feel pretty good about it. I can move on to the next one...with a little bit of confidence.
I put this one together in a couple minutes with no real thought. I will let this workout set-in a bit, then I may change a few things, maybe add a few more combo's.
My body feels pretty used, l like the feeling!

Saturday, February 23

Back to the Garage

Its a nice place. I like it, though I wish I could get rid of the cars and some other stuff...make it into a kettlebell haven.
Don't think the wife would like it though...
Oh well!
Warm Up
- 100 Swings One Handed
- 8 Minute Snatch set
10 RPM
- Russian Twists
- Turkish 1/2 Get Ups
- Inverted V's
- Plank to finish

Working on the 1/2 get up cause that is my weak link right now. I have good endurance, but poor strength in places. Start with the core and work my way out!

Thursday, February 21

Just lift the kettlebell

Today was too nice to plan a good workout so I just brought the kettlebell down to the beach, picked it up and didn't set it down for 7 Minutes.

Here it is:
Alt farmers walk to the beach
A little warm Up
Lift the kettlebell and....
More Swings
More Slingshots
Some One Handed Swings
Squat Thrusts

Repeat some stuff
Getting tired
5o Swing Finisher
Drop Kettlebell
Alt Rack position back to room.

Monday, February 18

Keepíng it going

Just a little something to keep the faith...
Warm Up
Alt Farmers walk to beach
100 Swings
Swing,Catch,Halo, Squat Thrust
10 Reps
Snatches 15 Sec On-Off
10 Sets
100 SwingS
Rack Position back to room. Used the elevator this time though...

Saturday, February 16

My belly is full

The food here is killing me. I have no willpower, everywhere I go, there is great sea food at great prices. So what, I`m on vacation with a kettlebell.
Warm Up
Alternating Farmers walk to the beach.
100 Swings
30 Snatches
100 Swings
Alternating farmers back to room.
I only had 15 minutes before I had to go to this time share pitch. I`m not buying, but you get free food!
Remember I`m on Vacation!

Friday, February 15

Workout in Paradise

On vacation the most brutal thing I run into is food. Its everywhere! I the morning, by the pool, lunch comes very quickly and is too soon followed by dinner.
I have to earn my food, so I brought a kettlebell. Just a little one, a 20 Kg.
Warm Up
Alternating farmers walk to the beach. No elevator, losts of stairs and a long walk to the right spot on the beach.

100 Swings
5 Swings
5 High Pulls
5 Snatches
5 Clean & Press
5 Circle Cleans
5 Squats
repeat left side in reverse.
3 Sets
Alternating Farmers Walk back. This was brutal going up to the room.
Rememeber to leave something in the tank for the walk home.

Monday, February 11


I like theme workouts. They keep my mind off the fact that I'm...working out. It's more like I'm playing a game.
Todays Game was 6's. How many drills can I do working off the number 6.
Warm Up
1. 20 Kg
6 Minute snatch set
One hand switch
2. 24 Kg
6 Minute LC Clean & Jerk Set
One Hand Switch
3. Seated Crush,Curl & Press
12 Reps
4. 1/2 Turkish Get Up
6 a side
5. V ups with 20 Kg bell
24 Reps
6. 24 Kg - 54 Swings

I suck at the turkish get up. Your supposed to go from your shoulder to your elbow, and NOT use the elbow to get up.
My elbow is too involved. It should be a nice little burst of energy...I have no burst...
So for the next few weeks, the 1/2 turkish get up will be a big part of my fun!

Sunday, February 10

Long Time - No Post

You know why...Cause I only had 1 or 2 workouts in the past 3 weeks that I thought were decent.
Excuse #1, 2 and 3 I could roll out, but why bother.
I need a kick in the butt!
Here it is: "A Kettlebell Blast"
A motivational self help challenge that starts March 1st. I set it for March because I need the 2 weeks to get my body ready. I feel soft!
This challenge is open to all - if you curious go to
Anyway, it begins today for me - I've got to get myself ready!
Warm Up
30 Swings (One Hand, two Hand)
10 Snatches
Repeat 5 times
30 Swings
10 LC Clean & Press
Repeat 3 Times
30 Swings
Swing, Catch, Halo & Press
Repeat 2 Times
Cruch, Curl & Press
8 Reps
Russian Twist
20 Reps
Have stars in my eyes - workout done