Monday, February 25

Cypress - Version # 1

This isn't my idea, but whatever I conversed with a local kettlebeller who seems to have it going on, inside the loop. He just received AOS's Providence & Newport workout DVD's. He said they are pfg.
I need to try these, but until then I'll make up my own.
I call the first attempt Cypress...I know not original but who cares!
This workout is based on the format AOS uses for Providence.
13 exercises @ 2 minutes each with a 1 minute rest period in between. Followed by some ab work and a 3 minutes snatch set.
I sat down and put this together:
Warm Up
1. Turkish Get Up (Only a 16 Kg)
2. 2 Hand Swings 24 Kg
3. Snatches 24 Kg
4. Windmill to an Overhead Squat (Only a 16 Kg)
5. Clean & Jerk 24 Kg
6. Squats 24 Kg
7. 1 Hand Swings 24 Kg
8. Plank Position/Static Hold
9. Slingshots 24 Kg
10. Swing, catch & waiter press & Hot potato (Only a 16Kg)
11. Renegade Rows (Only a 16 Kg)
12. Cocktail Twist (Only a 16 Kg) - This one was the hardest of all!
13. Swings & Burpees

- 2 Minutes of Ab work - I was pretty wasted by this time!
- 3 Minutes snatch set (Only a 16 Kg)
I went with the 16Kg on some of these because I wanted to survive this workout. I try to make sure I can finish a workout before I start one. Failing to get through a workout can be counter productive. I finished this one, so I feel pretty good about it. I can move on to the next one...with a little bit of confidence.
I put this one together in a couple minutes with no real thought. I will let this workout set-in a bit, then I may change a few things, maybe add a few more combo's.
My body feels pretty used, l like the feeling!

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