Thursday, December 18

Back in the groove!

It's been a while, getting that balance of work and play. It gets difficult to keep your commitment to health training.

It's easy to get side tracked, make excuses and surrender to the dark side. I've never come close to surrendering. I've kept my training going, although not as consistant as I would like, but I've been on a good roll lately and I feel good.

I picked up an AOS downloadable workout just out of curiosity. I loved it! It was just the stimulus I needed to kick start my training. I recommend when you get in a rut, seek outside assistance as a means to get re-energised, re-born or whatever you want to call it.

I downloaded Smokin Ladders - I'm not gonna list the exercises because I don't think that's right but the breakdown is:

2 good exercises for reps
Then 4 to 6 :30 second exercises 
3 sets

Here's the 2 exercises I've been using this past week -
Double Clean & Press
Then the :30 second stuff
3 sets

This workout is great for everybody - there is a beginner, intermediate and advanced guide to follow. I started at the advanced but I'm going back to the intermediate because I got Smoked!

It's better to make it through with strength and form, then to barley make it through with poor form. I'll work my way up to the advanced section soon!

On a side not - I've been doing the clean & press as a "Dead Clean" meaning that you set the kettlebells back down on the ground (Slightly back between your feet) after each rep then load your hamstrings and clean. Try this method - you will feel the benefits!

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