Sunday, September 9

From is the key!

Taught a couple new students today. They had trained on their own for awhile and decided to get some instruction...Good Thing!
They were both strong, but lacked proper form on the most basic technique - The Swing and its hip snap.
I had them show me their swings and sure enough, the hip snap, and timing were nowhere to be found. A couple pointers, a few tricks and plenty of swings later, they understood the fundamental nature of the swing.
I told them to go home and practice what they have learned until it is second nature. Then move on in your training.
The key is to master the swing first!

Todays Workout -

24 Kg One Arm Swing
2:00 16 Kg Jerk Set
3:00 16 Kg Jerk Set
(Interupted at the 2:00 Mark)
4:00 Snatches
2:00 Manmakers

Feeling stronger!

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