Saturday, September 29

Saturday at The Club

Today it was Jay in front of the class. You never know what to expect so you have to be prepared for everything.

It turned out to be part training session and part workout. We had a new student who had to learn the basics. 50 minutes workout then a 50 minutes training session.

It was a very rewarding day. I seem to learn more about kettlebells everytime I teach the fundamentals with another trainer. I never hear everything, in fact I believe you don't hear anything until your ready to learn it.

I know the fundamentals pretty good, but I learn more everytime I dive back into the them...hip snap, rythym, tension-release, breathing, timing, grip - all play critical roles in kettlebell training, especially when you start playing with heavier kettlebells!

I came out of the session with a better snatch than I had before, and I was

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