Saturday, June 27

Fifties ala "Filthy Fifty"

For Time

50 Kettlebell Swings
50 Slam Balls
50 1/2 Bicycles
50 Squat Thrusters with Kettlebell
50 Inverted V;s w/ Slam Ball

Repeat 2x's

Made it through once then ran out of time. Had to pick my son up at Sylvan.

I planned to do this in 30 minutes but had to rest too much. The Squat Thrusters were harder than anticipated.

I was planting though the heels and using my legs more and right arm less because this is more of a leg exercise than and arm exercise. I'm trying to save my arms for what is in the last half of the filthy fifty long version, the clean & Press and snatches.

I have a ten station filthy fifty planned but I can't do all the sets yet...

Wednesday, June 24

Is it My Grip or is it my Hip?

Started out with the 15 seconds On/Off method of snatches. I like this method of exercise for 2 reasons.
1) Gets your heart rate up and keeps it there - MaxVo2 style.
2) Keeps your on task. Sometimes I stray if I don't have a plan.

However, I have a couple issues with this workout. I have no left hand yet so I just did the 15 seconds on/off with the right hand.

Bad Idea! - my hand is not in the best kettlebell condition and my form stinks. Too much arm and not enough hip thrust cause the grip to get too tight. I stopped before I ripped anything open.

I tried to work the legs and the hips to get the kettlebell up, actually planted my feet better than I have before. I tried to imagine my heels pressing through the floor. This helped but my gripped was still to tight...

Anyway - Need to practice more, exercise less!

Warm Up
15 Seconds On/Off
Snatches 10 Sets

50 - 1/2 bicycles
50 - Kettlebell behind the neck squats
50 - Inverted V's with slam ball
50 - Single Leg deadlifts

Just a prelude to the "Filthy Fifty" coming up next!
10 exercises with 50 reps each - Stole the concept from crossfit...

Monday, June 22

Light Day

Yesterday was the 1st time I used a 24 Kg for 2 hand swings. I felt it today. Actually felt good in all the right places, except the left hand. I shouldn't use the left hand yet...

So I went light today. No left hand.

Warm Up

One Hand Swings 16 Kg

1 Leg Deadlift

3 Minute snatches
12 rpm

Sunday, June 21

Fathers Day Workout

Warm Up

25 2 Hand Swings (Heavy Kettlebell)
40 Slam Balls
25 2 Hand Swings
40 Slam Ball
25 2 Hand Swings
30 Slam Balls
25 2 Hand Swings
30 Slam Balls
25 2 Hand Swings
20 Slam Balls
25 2 Hand Swings
20 Slam Balls

For Time -

Better than the 30:00 last week. Shows improvement - but I used to do this in 14:00...

Friday, June 19

A little more intensity...

Todays workout involved something called the squat thruster. A demanding exercise as a single lift, even more so with doubles.

I usually do this with doubles, but I'm not ready for 2 hands yet.

Warm Up
Ladder Style for 3 rounds
Squat Thrusters 8/9/10 - Use as heavy a kettlebell as you can!
(Clean, Squat, Thrust & Press)
Snatches 16/18/20
Rest :30 Seconds

:30 Second Stations
1/2 Bicycles
V-Ups w/Slam Ball (Can Use a Kettlebell)
Russian Twists

Repeat 3 times


Wednesday, June 17

Why Blog?

I work for a major sporting goods retailer and I talk to a lot of people everyday about fitness. You've got your gym rats, your crossfits, your treadmill & elliptical people and your muscle heads - I see and sell to them all. One thing is consistent with most of these people.

That they are fixed in what their doing, almost defensive about it. I bring up a cool "new" fitness tool called a kettlebell and they tell me they've never seen them before, and they don't see how they can fit them in to the training regimen.

Far too many people have never heard of kettlebells. I've talked with fitness trainers who have never heard of kettlebells.

How is this possible?

Exercise Ignorance is what I call it. People tend to believe they know everything. So when you tell them about this great form of exercise known as kettlebell training, they never have heard of it, so it must not be that good.

They are wrong!

Kettlebell training in itself is a great form of exercise AND can be added to any other fitness regimen seamlessly.

So I make it my mission to spread the word of kettlebells and track my own fitness journey of kettlebells, body weight and whatever else I run across.

Some posts will be educational, some will be WOD ( Workout of the Day) and some will be simple ramblings such as this one. All with the same message - Kettlebell training is awesome!!!

Go buy a kettlebell and get a certified instructor to get you started the right way!

You can find a list here

Monday, June 15

The Swing

There was "The Swing".
A lot has been written about the swing. What's the correct size kettlebell, how high should you swing and what's the proper form.

I've just done the 1 Hand swings the last few months due to a broken scaphoid bone in my left wrist. The Doctor said to "Do not use your left hand for anything until the bone is healed".

No swings, no presses and no snatches on the left side.

So I've had time to reflect, to over analyze and obsess on the swing. The result - I believe it's the point where strength meets cardio and is one of the best exercises ever invented.

The swing is knee friendly, works vertually every muscle in your body and gives you a cardio style workout without the wear a tear of running and other high impact exercises.

In a fraction of the time.
Then why aren't more people using kettlebells?

Because they make you work hard. It's hard to half ass a kettlebell workout. So people have stayed away due to lack of knowledge and lack of drive.

Here is an intro video on the swing...

The swing is the foundation of the more complex kettlebell exercises, kinda of the backbone of all kettlebell moves. Kettlebell training is all about form. So practice, practice practice!

Weight is dependant of the persons physical condition and should be influenced by a certified kettlebell trainer. In fact I recommend a certified trainer be used as much as possible.

Rule of thumb -
Ladies 12 Kg (25 pds)
Men 16 Kg (35 Pds)

Just to start!

Sunday, June 14


Haven't got tired of the Slam Ball swing combo yet. I'm anxious to get back the the Slam Ball - Snatch combo, now that's a killer!

Workout of the Day
Warm Up

25 1 Hand Swings
30 Slam Balls
:30 Second Work
Sit Ups
1/2 Bicycles
Squat Thrusters
Russian Twists
Clean & Press

Repeat 3/4 times..

Friday, June 12


Keeping it going...
Workout of the Day -

Warm Up Bike Ride 10 Minutes

25 - 2 Hand Swings
25 - Slam Balls
25 - 2 Hand Swings

:30 Second Stations
1/2 Bicycle
V - Ups with Slam Ball

Repeat 3x's for Time
Mine 27:58

It's "time" to start pushing myself a little more. The injury is not healed yet, but no more excuses.

I've taken it easy for awhile now its time to step it up!

Monday, June 8

No Left Hand

Doctor said I can't use the left hand for anything...period!

No Lifting, No swinging, No Nothin.

Hard to get a full body exercise with these restrictions...

Or so I thought. I used this as an excuse to relax, and slip into some not so healthy habits. This lasted until a couple weeks ago when I realized I could get a full workout with out the left hand.

I've done a lot of variations of this workout and my body is feeling better everyday...except for the left hand.

Warm Up

25 1 Hand Swings
25 Slam Balls (Ok so I do use some left hand)

:30 Second Work
Sit Ups
1 arm Squat Thrusts
1/2 Bicycles
Clean & Press
Russian Twists

Repeat 3/4 times

Only takes me 12 or 13 minutes...When the body is ready for more it'll let me know!