Monday, June 15

The Swing

There was "The Swing".
A lot has been written about the swing. What's the correct size kettlebell, how high should you swing and what's the proper form.

I've just done the 1 Hand swings the last few months due to a broken scaphoid bone in my left wrist. The Doctor said to "Do not use your left hand for anything until the bone is healed".

No swings, no presses and no snatches on the left side.

So I've had time to reflect, to over analyze and obsess on the swing. The result - I believe it's the point where strength meets cardio and is one of the best exercises ever invented.

The swing is knee friendly, works vertually every muscle in your body and gives you a cardio style workout without the wear a tear of running and other high impact exercises.

In a fraction of the time.
Then why aren't more people using kettlebells?

Because they make you work hard. It's hard to half ass a kettlebell workout. So people have stayed away due to lack of knowledge and lack of drive.

Here is an intro video on the swing...

The swing is the foundation of the more complex kettlebell exercises, kinda of the backbone of all kettlebell moves. Kettlebell training is all about form. So practice, practice practice!

Weight is dependant of the persons physical condition and should be influenced by a certified kettlebell trainer. In fact I recommend a certified trainer be used as much as possible.

Rule of thumb -
Ladies 12 Kg (25 pds)
Men 16 Kg (35 Pds)

Just to start!

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