Wednesday, July 29

The Need to Swing

The swing is arguably the best exercise I know. It sometimes gets lost in the thousand other things you can do with a kettlebell.

I'm using the swing as a means to get my body back in the training groove. There is nothing better for my body than to pound out some swings and strengthen from the middle out.

The core gets smoked, the hip snap is established and my hands,wrist & arms all get a heck of a workout. It makes sense for me to strengthen my weak links and move on from there!

Todays Effort -

One Hand Swing :15 On/:15 Off
20 Kg
10 Sets

30 Bicycles
30 V-Ups w/15Lb Med Ball

Two Hand Swing :20 On/:10 Off
24 Kg
8 Reps

Trying to pound the swings out and get my left wrist back up to speed. Its gonna be awhile before it's back to normal...

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