Monday, July 27

Practice Day

I've had a couple solid workouts in a row so now I have to get in some much needed practice. Its not always workload, one has to get some practice in.

Todays effort - The Turkish Get Up

This is one of the more demanding moves. I have some weak linkage in my lower body (Knees) that makes this very difficult when I get to the lunge position. You can't get good at something if you don't practice it.

This "practice" concept is something that gets overlooked and underused by myself. I tend to focus more on my effort or output more than my form.

However, with kettlebells this is not a good thing. You can get into a poor movement pattern and end up with a variety of injuries or worse - a body that is conditioned to do things incorrectly.

1/2 Get Up Ladders
Without weight

1/2 Get Up Ladders
With weight

Haven't done these in months and it felt like it. Poor form, but it got better...

Here is a version of the Get Up - I didn't/can't do this one!

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