Tuesday, July 31
Already thinking Vacation...
So what. I swing Kettlebells!
Warm Up
24 Kg
20 -2 Hand Swings
10 - 1 Hand Swings R
10 - 1 Hand Swings L
10 - Darcy
16 Kg Jerk Set
Getting easier
24 Kg 1 Hand Swings
3 Sets
24 Kg Clean & Jerk
10 x 10
These take a toll...not on the jerk, but on the clean?
16 Kg Double Snatches
Clean & Catch to a Waiters press
16 Kg
Circle drill
16 Kg Renegade Rows
Slow & Deliberate!
Kettlebell Push Ups
16 Kg Double Bottoms Up Clean & Press
Started a Swing, Clean and snatch ladder 5,4,3,2,1
Failed - Not happening today! Stopped going back to the right at 4.
Hands just not into it.
Never tried it...Liked it!
Cool Down Swim
Sunday, July 29
Just Do It!
Quick, get my kettlebells and:
Warm Up - 5 Minutes
Double 16 Kg Jerk Set 5:00
Started at 7 rpm
Ended at 6 rpm
Adding a minute next time.
24Kg Single hand swings
30 x 30
3 sets
Single 24 Kg Clean & Jerk
10 x 10
It was very hot in my backyard today. Sun beaten down but I had to get something in...
Sponge Bob Over...End of workout!
Swim for cool down.
Saturday, July 28
Fix it when it doesn't work
Fixed my snatch problem with the Max Vo2. The key is to change your technique along the way, do not do the same downswing when doing your snatches. This way you vary the burden of the snatch across your hands and can keep away from the hot spots and ripped calluses that snatching can give you.
Hard Style
GS Style
Finger Tip Style
Palm Style
Just change where the load of the kettlebell is when its coming down.
On to the work out -
David Cogswell RKC taught today
Reaffirmed the Get up and the Windmill. Form, Form, Form!
Various warm ups - Swings 1,2 hand and Darcy.
Press Techniques
10/20 Drill
With a 28 Pound Weight Vest. Like It!
Plank Variations to Finish
Cool Down Stretch
Also picked up a "Pro Grade" 24 Kg kettlebell today. It is fantastic for one hand swings - GS Style....but it will need a mate at one point.
The plan is to incorporate everything that is kettlebell!
Enough Said!
Thursday, July 26
Dahn Yoga
My goal was to bring more flexibility and mobility to my body. I need something to balance the kettlebell training I do.
I like the components of Dahn Yoga - the focus on the energy the body has, and how to gather and use this "Ki" or "Chi" energy, the stretching and the meditation, but there is a hint of something that is not genuine. I can't say for sure what it is, yet..
I paid a $100 so I have 7 more sessions left. At the very least, I will get some great stretching in and maybe even a different perspective?
This kettlebell journey of mine has no roadmaps or directions, just a need to understand how health in body and mind can be achieved. I may take some wrong turns, end up in a ditch somewhere, but that is the best thing about it, kettlebells have taught me that I have the strength to keep going!
Today - No Kettlebells - Yoga Day - Body feels strong!
Wednesday, July 25
Stubborn is as stubborn does
Not exactly.
How you lift and the duration means everything. So I'm on this 24 Kg Man maker kick, 2 push ups, 2 renegade rows, jump forward, Clean & Jerk. I was going to do this for time. Get to 10 Minutes.
Day 2 of the 24Kg Man maker kick - I can get to 3 minutes before my form goes. The last jerk is shaky...and I'm spent. Time to re-evaluate.
Start over with 16Kgs. Get to 10, then go to the 24 kgs. Thanks Charley!
24 Kg Man makers
Jump back
Push Up
Renegade Row L, R
Jump Forward (feet land past the Kettlebells - better clean position)
Double Clean & Jerk
Made it almost to 3 minutes. See above.
24 Kg Double kettlebell Swings
2 sets
24 Kg Jerk Set
24 Kg Bottoms Up Cleans
4 Point Push Ups (hands on 2 kettlebells)
20 x 2
Plank Variations to Fatigue.
Tuesday, July 24
Off day practice session
Guess what, found time to sneak in a practice session.
Here is what I like:
2 - 24Kgs
Jump Back
Renegade Row L, R
Jump Forward (Past the kettlebells)
Clean & Jerk
I did not keep count, but that was not the point. They felt great! I may start doing this for time. It has a nice easy pace to it...
2 - 24 Kgs Double Hand Swings
Again did not keep count...
Total practice session 30 Minutes
Monday, July 23
Spare the Hands Workout
Here it is for today:
Warm Up
Stretching - Swings
5 Minutes
24Kg Jerk Set (Only pairs I have)
2 1/2 minute sets x 2
6 rpm
Working my way up to 5 minutes straight, then 10 minutes.
Start with what you know you can do...right?
28Kg 2 Handed Swings
25 x 5
Bent Rows
28 x 10 x 2
24 x 10 x 2
20 x 10 x 2
16 x 10 x 2
I felt the lats fire better as the weight got lighter
2 Kettlebell Push Ups
15 x 2
Plank Variations till I was shaking
Stretch/Cool Down
Total Time 40 Minutes
Nice workout considering I had to stay away from anything that aggravated my hands. Working on better form on the snatch to correct this callus thing....Its on the way down that digs into my hands....
Sunday, July 22
Sunday Class at The Kettlebell Club
The workout was 40 minutes of kettlebell work and 15 minutes of ab work and cool down stretching. I only did less than 1/2 of what the others did. I was most concerned with their form.
These students have 3 to 4 other teachers, all with different style and focuses, but the common denominator is form. One student in particular had the most beautiful one handed swing she has ever had. I saw power and form come together in one fluid motion. It was nice to see all the hard work pay off for her....
Saturday, July 21
Garage Workout in the City
A garage, 3 trailer mats, a couple clocks, a bunch of kettlebells and 3 dudes of various affiliations, styles and reasons for being there.
It was a simple plan - get together and have some fun. We did.
Here was I did:
Warm up - 5 minutes
20 Kg jerk set
2.5 minutes x 2
5 rpm
Need to practice this more often. No rhythm.
16 Kg Snatch set
R - 15s
rest 15s
L - 15s
rest 15s
7 reps per side
15 sets
210 snatches
Have this down so moving back to 24 Kg after calluses heal.
24Kg One arm swing
R - 10 swings
rest 15s
L- 10 Swings
rest 15s
10 sets
Pull ups
Weight vest snatches
Solid workout. Very hot! Get the hands healed and learn to loosen the grip on my snatch technique.
Friday, July 20
Just going in for some Yoga?
It has been a very good addition, its opened up some glaring weaknesses in some people. Myself included. What we have been stressing is building up our "ab strength". The kettlebell exercises are tremendous for this very same purpose, but it seems these yoga and palates exercises have added a new dimension to our workouts. Our kettlebell techniques have improved and I feel "whole" when I'm is done. It seems to even out my body after a workout.
So I walked into a local Yoga center expecting to have a good workout/stretch. I was a bit surprised when she said she would have to do a strength assessment first. I feel that I'm in pretty good shape so no worries here. She asked a few questions, poked my body in different places, made me stand on one leg with my eyes closed and made some sounds while she did this. I thought she was saying I was in good shape.
She asked my age then wrote some things down. I was told to sit and we proceeded to discuss my condition. First off, I sensed that she knew what she was doing, and it seemed she was looking for more than just muscle tone and coordination. She told me that my body on the outside looks very young for my age BUT your are "very old on the inside" of your body.
There is more to fitness than what people can see she continued, the body must be free of toxins, stress and anything that might interfere with the gathering, the storing and the use of energy the body needs to live, to breath and... to lift kettlebells.
A little more than I expected. I was not looking for this kind of experience but you need to take life as it comes. I won't go much further into this but I will tell you one thing that was really cool. There is a concept to energy in your body, its shaped like a pyramid. The base is a pyramid is near the base of you "Core" and the top of the pyramid is at your head. At least this how it is with healthy people.
She told me that my pyramid was upside down and I should do things now to correct this. She is a sales person, but she new things about me that she could not possibly know. I found out this Yoga center has its foundation in holistic health and involves many aspects of mind and body training....
What is the point of this blog today...That Kettlebell training is not just a physical exercise. It is a test of your mental spirit as well! How many times do you have the kettlebell swinging and say to yourself, "I just have a few more reps to do...yes - I can make it". Physical strength alone will not give you those last few reps! Kettlbell training is for the body AND the mind!
Thursday, July 19
Catch Up
Wednesday, July 18
On the Clock
Warm Up - 5 Minutes
20 Kg One Armed Swings
R - 60s
rest 60s
L - 60s
rest 60s
(35 reps per 60 seconds)
5 sets = 20 Minutes
2 Hand Swings
24Kg 60s
rest 60s
20Kg 60s
rest 60s
16 Kg 60s
rest 60s
2 sets = 12 Minutes
Circle Drill 7 reps
Shoot Throughs with push up 3x5
Squat & Hold 20 Kg 5x15s
Total Time: 45 Minutes
My grip was the first to fail and my forearms were on fire, but I like the timed aspect of these sets. I need to get some more info on this style of training, but its a start!
Monday, July 16
Change of plans
I was at the April RKC Certification Challenge and one of the speakers/leaders was a man by the name of Kenneth Jay. He was working on something called Vo2 Max training. It was far too technical for me at the time. I was just trying to get my certification.
I put it on the back burner. It sat there for a long time. Fortunatley there are a few people who are using the same concept AND explaining it in a way I can comprehend. Thanks!
Increase your ability to bring in O2, and use it - is what I got out of it.
I have been swinging heavy weight for reps thinking this would increase my endurance. Well a little research here and there, some numbness in my left side, and now I realize there are better strategies.
To learn more, go to http://www.dragondoor.com/ and search for Vo2 Max by Kenneth Jay.
Pretty Cool!
(Per Kenneth Jay)
16Kb for men 12Kb for women
R-8 reps 15s
rest 15s
L- 8 reps 15s
rest 15s
20x20 = 320 snatches
24 Kg Rack walks 10x10x200 ft.
(I didn't know if this was part of the Vo2 Max - I did it anyway)
Push ups 10x2
Weak link was the left hand. Could have gone longer but a callus on my left hand what about to rip. I altered the swing a bit to take pressure off. It never ripped. I will take care of my hands tonight.
I think this Vo2 Max concept came along at the right time for me. Lighten the loads once in a while a get more benefit? Seems too good to be true doesn't it...
Saturday, July 14
Plan for Week of July 15th
I think that is my issue - I loaded up my forearms and didn't think to take care of them as I would my hands....I take care of my hands because without them in good shape, its impossible to do anything with a kettlebell.
In fact, if you try to workout with the kettlebell with sore hands, your form sucks and you can get injured. So, bad hands..no workout. Burnt out forearms..no workout.
I learn things the hard way.
This Week:
Sunday - Class at Kettlebell Club 45 Min session finish with some ab work.
Monday - Yoga Class
Tuesday - Garage workout. Snatches, One armed Swings, Clean & Jerks.
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Class at the Kettlebell Club
Friday - Yoga. 10 Minute swing test. Light Kettlebell workout.
Saturday - Charleys? Short cycle C&J
Plan for the week...think about goal setting. Don't know if its what I want, but I need to put some structure into my kettlebell training. There needs to be a purpose behind my training...I think.
Tuesday, July 10
Go Light Sometimes!
The tingling stayed through the day. I have been lifting the heavy Kettlebell more than usual and I know I should lift the lighter one on some drills, but I seem to grab the heavy one thinking its the right decision.
The tingling increased as the day went on. I not stupid, but I knew it was not serious so I went to the Doctor anyway just to rule out all the bad stuff.
She gave me an EKG and said I'm fine and to lighten up on the kettlebell lifting for a week or two. She said I had inflamed my left side and that I need to work with the lighter kettlebells more often...Always lifting the heavy stuff is not good for your body. I know what I lift is not that heavy, but the point was made.
Working with lighter kettlebells has many advantages....form improves, your body awareness is heightened and you get the same benefits as you do with the heavier kettlebell, that is increased strength and stamina.
So, taken it easy for a few days, then I'm going to play with the lighter kettlebells more often!
Sunday, July 8
Leading Class at the Kettlebell Club
It's hard for me. I think that they all should do what I do. They can't and some frankly don't want too. Need to figure this out.
Worked on combinations & transfers...trying to put together 2 or 3 moves to each exercise and bring a more dynamic load to the body. I need some work on the explanation/demonstration aspect, and the verbal cues that go along with leading a class through these types of exercises.
My style is to bring something new and different to each class. Right or wrong that's what I like to do. I like to keep people a little off-balance. I also need to establish a reliable base to my workouts too. So I have some learning to do!
It's just hard when you have people of different abilities and needs. RKC David Cogswell is very good at this, but he's been teaching for twenty years....
I do like a swing transfer to a squat move. It works for snatches, cleans, bottoms up cleans really well.
Saturday, July 7
Houstons' Kettlebell Club
However, class today was not just about the workout. David's underlying lesson was to respect the many different personalities and interests of the people in class. We have young ladies, older ladies, older men and younger men who all have a different take on what's best for them. Some like the "Hard Style", some like don't.
How can we lead a class and make sure everyone gets what they want out of the workout. This, is a very big dilemma. Everybody is different.
Fortunately the Kettlebell is the answer. There are so many variations of kettlebell exercises, everyone should be able to get what they want AND need with just a little direction.
We finished the kettlebell portion with a Snatch ladder 5,4,3,2,1 R, L
I went with a 20Kg partly cause I ripped a callus, and because sometimes I need to go lite. There are benefits!
Then we had a Yoga instructor, who happens to also be a kettlebell instructor, put the final touches on our abs, I only remember the word - "E-long-gate". I was a little tired by that point!
Friday, July 6
Thursday, July 5
My Own Style?
Easy to blow off my workout for the day...right? Not with kettlebells. I have a nice set in my garage, its relatively cool...92 degrees with 60% Humidity, (I mean cool for Houston Texas in the Summer time) and I have some things to work on.
It was my intention to just grab a kettlebell and pick it up just to see if it seemed heavy. It wasn't so I started with a few slingshots and ended up with a breakthrough style practice seesion.
I always have a workout prepared in advance when I work with the kettlebell. Most often its a workout I had previously with RKC Jay Armstrong and RKC David Cogswell. These are always challenging to say the least. I have probably 20 different workouts from these guys and they throw a lot at you.
Today was different. I was looking at the kettlebells, feeling my body and I had to come up with stuff that will take it easy on my ripped right hand.
I, the guy who copies everything he sees, came up with stuff on the spot. Its most likely been done before, but I was happy to get creative during my workout. I call this a breakthrough for me. Sure I love to copy cool stuff I see, but its important that I trouble shoot my own conditions and get the most out of my workouts.
I'm still far behind others in my field, but you've got to go with what you've got!
Here is what I got.
Ripped right hand - No Snatches, Cleans hurt, even swings hurt. Take the load off the right hand as much as possible. Use fingers.
Practiced a lot of little things 10 Minutes
Slingshots 24 Kg
One snatch L,R and walk with 24Kg overhead 1 minute
10-Figure 8 to a clean 24Kg, 20Kg, 16Kg
Shoot throughs to push ups 3x5
Clean to a waiters press/Hot Potatoe 10x2 x 3 20Kg
Crush curl thrusters 20Kg
Jump rope
One Hand Swing - Hard to do with right hand. So I thought I would make it more difficult. Use Doubles!
30 second drill
Double 24 Kgs Swings
Jump Rope
Double 24 Kgs Swings
Jump Rope
They way I was sweating and breathing I would have thought I did more than this. I may have forgotten some drills........
I forgot the "sea-saw snatches"? with the 12Kgs did 3 sets of 10. Tried it, didn't hurt so I will try it again with 16's
Only 40 Minutes
Tuesday, July 3
Garage Workout ala RKC TL Jay
Squats No Weight 10 reps
Squat Thrusts 10 reps
Push ups 10 reps
TGU No Weight
Darc Swings 15x2 24Kg
Bottoms up Cleans 5x2 24Kg
Snatch 10x2 24 Kg
Sumo Deadlift 2-24kg (note to self - Have to get heavier Kbell)
Clean & Press 10x2 24 Kg
Renegade Row 10x2 24 Kg
Rock pick up thruster 10 - 24 Kg (This is a killer!)
Lying Press 10x2 24 Kg
Suitcase Deadlift 10x2 28 Kg (another note to self-Get Heavier Kbell)
One leg Press 5x2 24 Kg
High Octane
40 Swings 28Kg
Cleans 15x2 24 Kg
Clean & Jerk 15x2 24 Kg
Snatch 20x2 24 Kg
Plank to finish
This is a workout designed by Jay Armstrong at the Kettlebell Club. This is the second time I've done this. Once in class, Once in the garage. David Cogswell ran the first one - his style is fast paced. I was near the end of my abilities. The second time at home I slowed the pace a bit, but I found the faster pace more effective!
Monday, July 2
I only had twenty
5 Minute Timed set
Clean & Press L
Transfer to 2 hand swing to Squat to parallel & hold (5 seconds)
Back to Clean & Press R
GS one hand swing 25x2 24Kg
GS one hand swing 25x2 20Kg
GS one hand swing 25x2 16Kg
2.5 Minute Timed set
Snatch L
Transfer to 2 hand swing to Squat (Parellel) & Hold (5 seconds)
Snatch R
3 point push ups on one kettlebell 15
4 point push ups on two kettlebells 15
Plank to finish
Time less than 20 minutes
Working on getting the timed sets down and trying to get more total body movement in my workouts. I've noticed that I don't rush through a drill as fast as I used to...
This is the beauty of kettlebell training. You can customize a workout to the time available.
Sunday, July 1
Fast and Loose # 2
Mobility session of about 6 minutes.
Warm Up
5 get ups no weight
10 Squats no weight
30 Darc Swings
Strength/Endurance (Repeat Twice)
Bottoms up Clean 5x2 24Kg
Snatch 10x2 24 Kg
Suitcase 2x24kg x 10
Clean & Press 5x2 24Kg
Bent Row & Hold 5x2 24Kg
Sumo The Beast 10x
Lying Press 8x2 24Kg
Rock Curl & Thrust 10x 24Kg
One Leg Press 5x2 24 Kg
One Arm swing 20x2 24 Kg
Bottoms Up Clean 15x2 24 Kg
Clean & Press 15x2 24 Kg
Snatch 20x2 24 Kg
Ab work from floor
A good workout from Jay Armstrong and David Cogswell. Fast paced.
I was breathing heavy at the end. I wanted to stop half way through my last set of snatches, but I figured I'm already half way so I said to myself, stop thinking, keep swinging!
Total Time 65 Minutes