Thursday, July 26

Dahn Yoga

Today was an experiment with Dahn Yoga. My first impression was that I thought it was pretty silly....but who am I to judge. Some people think kettlebells are silly.
My goal was to bring more flexibility and mobility to my body. I need something to balance the kettlebell training I do.
I like the components of Dahn Yoga - the focus on the energy the body has, and how to gather and use this "Ki" or "Chi" energy, the stretching and the meditation, but there is a hint of something that is not genuine. I can't say for sure what it is, yet..
I paid a $100 so I have 7 more sessions left. At the very least, I will get some great stretching in and maybe even a different perspective?
This kettlebell journey of mine has no roadmaps or directions, just a need to understand how health in body and mind can be achieved. I may take some wrong turns, end up in a ditch somewhere, but that is the best thing about it, kettlebells have taught me that I have the strength to keep going!
Today - No Kettlebells - Yoga Day - Body feels strong!

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