Monday, July 16

Change of plans

Ok, So I made a plan for the week and I already changed it. If you know me, then you would expect that the plan would change. I change things, just to change things. One of my flaws I guess...
I was at the April RKC Certification Challenge and one of the speakers/leaders was a man by the name of Kenneth Jay. He was working on something called Vo2 Max training. It was far too technical for me at the time. I was just trying to get my certification.
I put it on the back burner. It sat there for a long time. Fortunatley there are a few people who are using the same concept AND explaining it in a way I can comprehend. Thanks!
Increase your ability to bring in O2, and use it - is what I got out of it.
I have been swinging heavy weight for reps thinking this would increase my endurance. Well a little research here and there, some numbness in my left side, and now I realize there are better strategies.

To learn more, go to and search for Vo2 Max by Kenneth Jay.
Pretty Cool!

(Per Kenneth Jay)
16Kb for men 12Kb for women
R-8 reps 15s
rest 15s
L- 8 reps 15s
rest 15s
20x20 = 320 snatches

24 Kg Rack walks 10x10x200 ft.
(I didn't know if this was part of the Vo2 Max - I did it anyway)

Push ups 10x2


Weak link was the left hand. Could have gone longer but a callus on my left hand what about to rip. I altered the swing a bit to take pressure off. It never ripped. I will take care of my hands tonight.
I think this Vo2 Max concept came along at the right time for me. Lighten the loads once in a while a get more benefit? Seems too good to be true doesn't it...

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