Thursday, July 5

My Own Style?

I have a ripped callus on my right hand, its raining really hard and my class is about an 1 hour and a 1/2 away.
Easy to blow off my workout for the day...right? Not with kettlebells. I have a nice set in my garage, its relatively cool...92 degrees with 60% Humidity, (I mean cool for Houston Texas in the Summer time) and I have some things to work on.
It was my intention to just grab a kettlebell and pick it up just to see if it seemed heavy. It wasn't so I started with a few slingshots and ended up with a breakthrough style practice seesion.
I always have a workout prepared in advance when I work with the kettlebell. Most often its a workout I had previously with RKC Jay Armstrong and RKC David Cogswell. These are always challenging to say the least. I have probably 20 different workouts from these guys and they throw a lot at you.
Today was different. I was looking at the kettlebells, feeling my body and I had to come up with stuff that will take it easy on my ripped right hand.
I, the guy who copies everything he sees, came up with stuff on the spot. Its most likely been done before, but I was happy to get creative during my workout. I call this a breakthrough for me. Sure I love to copy cool stuff I see, but its important that I trouble shoot my own conditions and get the most out of my workouts.
I'm still far behind others in my field, but you've got to go with what you've got!
Here is what I got.
Ripped right hand - No Snatches, Cleans hurt, even swings hurt. Take the load off the right hand as much as possible. Use fingers.

Practiced a lot of little things 10 Minutes
Slingshots 24 Kg
One snatch L,R and walk with 24Kg overhead 1 minute
10-Figure 8 to a clean 24Kg, 20Kg, 16Kg
Shoot throughs to push ups 3x5
Clean to a waiters press/Hot Potatoe 10x2 x 3 20Kg
Crush curl thrusters 20Kg
Jump rope
One Hand Swing - Hard to do with right hand. So I thought I would make it more difficult. Use Doubles!

30 second drill
Double 24 Kgs Swings
Jump Rope
Double 24 Kgs Swings
Jump Rope


They way I was sweating and breathing I would have thought I did more than this. I may have forgotten some drills........

I forgot the "sea-saw snatches"? with the 12Kgs did 3 sets of 10. Tried it, didn't hurt so I will try it again with 16's

Only 40 Minutes

1 comment:

charley allen said...

Ripped callouses suck, and I have been lucky over the past 6 months or so. I have steady hands, so I shave the callouses down from time to time with a retractable razor that a carpenter might use. I have also found that chalk actually helps grip, but you might need to sand your handles down to metal for the chalk to hold.

Yes, there is nothing like Texas heat, humidity and kettlebells.