Sunday, July 8

Leading Class at the Kettlebell Club

Taught class today at the kettlebell club. A little uneven... I need to "read" the people in class a little better. They were a little too tired by the time we got to the ballistic portion of the workout. I was using the Heavy, Medium, Light method and tried to customize each set to the persons ability.
It's hard for me. I think that they all should do what I do. They can't and some frankly don't want too. Need to figure this out.
Worked on combinations & transfers...trying to put together 2 or 3 moves to each exercise and bring a more dynamic load to the body. I need some work on the explanation/demonstration aspect, and the verbal cues that go along with leading a class through these types of exercises.
My style is to bring something new and different to each class. Right or wrong that's what I like to do. I like to keep people a little off-balance. I also need to establish a reliable base to my workouts too. So I have some learning to do!
It's just hard when you have people of different abilities and needs. RKC David Cogswell is very good at this, but he's been teaching for twenty years....
I do like a swing transfer to a squat move. It works for snatches, cleans, bottoms up cleans really well.

1 comment:

charley allen said...

I like combos, and am thinking of a class outline myself that I may want to try out soon if the opportunity presents itself. It will be an entire class of timed sets (10 - 15) - 2:00 work, 1:00 rest - with a reasonable weight.

Possibilities include (switch at 30sec as applicable)-

1. swings - left, darc, right, darc
2. cleans - left, right, left, right
3. snatches - left, right, left, right
4. long cycle PP/C&J - 2:00
5. one arm jerks - left, right, left, right
6. thruster/pushup combo - 2:00
7. swing/clean/snatch - 1:00 left, 1:00 right
8. squats - 2:00
9. renegade rows - 2:00
10. swing/squat combo (swing 30sec, squat 30 sec)
11. swing, flip & squat - 2:00

As you can see, there are infinite combinations to be had and this can be quite challenging with a light bell.

Still working on the actual exercises and ordering.