Saturday, October 4

2012 Workout # 1

Some friends have decided to start training for the US Pond Hockey tournament in 2012. Why?

We will be 50 and we want to make a run for the "Over 50" championship division. In order to have a chance at this - we better be in good shape. So we are starting now! Today in fact. This is my first sport related kettlebell workout.

Can you design a workout that is sport specific? I suppose you can, but I'm not going to worry too much about that. I just going to have some fun designing workouts.

Here is 2012 #1

Vigorous Bike Ride 10 Minutes
Joint Mobility
- One Arm Swings 24 Kg
- Timed Snatch Set 16 Kg
6 Minutes (I'm starting over with snatches)
12 RPM
- Duck Walk with one Kbell Pressed overhead, the other in a clean position. 2-12 Kg's
( Duck Walk? It's a squat walk? You keep your butt down)
20 Yards each side
3 Sets
-Sumo Dead Lift 40 Kg
20 Reps
3 Sets
- Duck Walk with 2 Hands on the horn, the bell on the outside of your hip. You swing it up across your body as you walk.
20 Yards each side
3 Sets
- Renegade Rows 16 Kg's
- Bosu Ball Lunges with double kettlebell presses.
10 Reps each side
- Wipers into Inverted V's with Kbell
10 reps each
3 Sets
I also included a lot of active rest in between sets and exercises which was a farmers walk with a couple lite kettlebells (12's) Lite kbells but it felt right!

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