Thursday, October 2


This was a hard workout today. 3 exercises with heavier weight, low reps and decreasing rest periods...

Joint Mobility

- Clean & Press Double 24's
5 Reps
- Swings 40 Kg
20 Reps
- Step Ups on to bench w/Kbell
10 Reps

Repeat 5 times
Decrease rest periods as you go. Get your heart rate up and keep it there.

I wanted to quit this workout after the 3rd run through. It's a great strength/cardio test.
Can you push through this AND decrease rest periods?

The first rest period was :75 seconds, the second was :60 seconds the third was :50, the fourth was :45 seconds. My goal is to get the last rest period down to :15 seconds. It didn't happen this time.

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