Tuesday, March 18

The Bulldog is waiting!

Started out on a 5 Minute snatch set with the 24 kg. At the 1 minute mark I had 14 reps, a little too fast for a timed set at this point, so being quick on my feet I changed it to the RKC snatch test.
I hadn't done this since last year...it was about time. I always fear this test. It's a hard one, but I once I was 1/2 way into it, I knew it was the right thing to do.
Warm Up
1. Windmill 24 Kg
2. Snatches 24 Kg
35 R/35 L
3. 3x5 Press Set 24 Kg
5 sets of 1,2,3 ladders - Clean in between Hands
4. Turkish 1/2 Get Ups 24 Kg
5. Russian Twists 24 Kg
6. Two Hand Swings 40 Kg
35 Reps
Plank Position
7. Hindu Push Ups

The 40 is a great addition! A very good tool for your finishing swing sets.

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