Wednesday, March 26

Much Better Today

Had some energy today. I think I've been eating crap and you are what you eat. Cut the cokes and some of the other stuff. I've tried to eat cleaner than I have the past few weeks...
Good warm up borrowed from the few Bikram Yoga classes I've taken.
1) 4 Minute Jerk Set Double 16's
12 RPM
2) 4 Minute Snatch Set 16 Kg
16 RPM
3) 15 Kbell Push Ups
10/10 Kbell Rows
3 Sets
4) 50 Swings 28 Kg
5) Good cool down stretch

Shortened the timed sets and increased the reps. Just a little change thrown in. The faster pace is more difficult. I tend to rush it a bit and waste myself to early into the set. Need to learn to even out my pace.
Overall - felt very good when I was through. I think I have gone to far into a workout lately. Settle down and enjoy! Remember - its really about how you lift, not how much you lift.

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