Friday, March 21

Was it 7 or 8 Minutes?

I have trouble remembering counts at times. Comes with the age I guess. Maybe I should get one of those memory games and fight the aging process.
Wait, that's what the Kettlebells are for!
I lost the count on the left side of a 8 Minute Snatch Set. The way the arm felt I swear I was on the 8 minute, but the mind can play tricks on you. If I loose the count, I have to assume the lesser count. So it was a 7 Minute Snatch Set.
Warm Up
1. 7/8 Minute Snatch Set 16 Kg
14 RPM
The last minute on each side where killers
2. 3x5 Press Set 24 Kg
Getting better at this. Left side is coming around.
3. 100 One Arm Swings 24 Kg
4. 30 Swings 40 Kg
1 Minute Plank Variations
1 Minute Rest
2 Sets

Tip for Timed Sets if your using a clock
Start on a even hour or minute. I mean a 12:00 or 12:05 or 12:10, Don't start at a times like 12:07. Its hard to keep the exact time straight once the fatigue sets in...

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