Saturday, March 15

Saturday Class & Workout

I've decided to move the location of my kettlebell classes from a nice Karate style facility to my home. I'm changing the garage into a kettlebell studio so I don't have to pay anyone to spread the good word of kettlebells.
Some people may not want to learn the ways of the kettlebell in a garage but these are the same people who would lose interest down the road anyway.
I've seen people develop great form from a garage. Just read some of the blogs on my site, you don't see too many people working out in a gym or a fitness center. It would be nice to have these things available to me, but I don't.
The garage fits my style.
Today I noticed a some people getting very comfortable with the swing. They have it down pat so its time to move on to the more advanced moves. Once people get comfortable with the swing its amazing how good the simple style workout can be....throw in some planks, lots of swings, heavier kettlebells and the form actually improves with the heavy stuff. You can't cheat when your swinging something heavy.
My Workout with Charlie the AKC coach -
Warm Up
1. 6 Minute Snatch Set 16 Kg
14 RPM
2. 3x5 Press Ladder
24 Kg
3. 100 One Hand Swings
24 Kg
4. 25 Swings 40 Kg
5 Snatches R,L
Charlie let me use his DD 40 Kg. It is great for the 2 Handed swing! I will use it for my finisher swing set.

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