Sunday, March 2

A little change

Change is good! I like it, it's what we all work very hard for. Sometimes it comes easy, sometimes not so easy.
Easy change - new look on the blog.
Not so easy change - return of strength!
Gonna go after the hard stuff again, Snatches, Presses, Get Ups, Rows, Heavy Kettlebell Swings.
Warm Up
1. 5 Minute Snatch Set
15 RPM
2. Snatches 28 Kg
3. Deadlifts
20 Reps
4. Suitcase Deadlifts
5. 3 Minutes
Slingshot/Figure 8's etc.
6. Plank to finish
Short day of work, but the heavier kettlebell is feeling better. I used it yesterday and I could feel its affects when I woke up.

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