Sunday, April 6

Circuit Style Workout

Wanted to change it up a bit...

Warm Up
10 2 Handed Swings
10 Push Ups
10 Kbell Squats
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Presses
10 Backward Lunges
5 Squat Thrusters
10 Slingshots

20 Second Circuits
Circuit # 1
Circuit # 2
Lift,Catch,Squat,Thrust ( Keep the bell moving verticle-No swinging type movement)
Circuit # 3
Circuit # 4
ManMakers ( Kbell Burpees with a push up,row,double clean,sqaut-thrust)
Circuit # 5
Circuit # 6
Push Ups

Repeat 2-5 times
Heavy Swings Finisher

1 comment:

Anthony C said...

horses are also known as suicides.m u most likely ran some at some point in gym class.

you sprint to a point, touch ground and sprint back to beginning, touch ground and then sprint out to a farther pooint, touch ground, sprint back to beginning touch ground etc etc.