Monday, August 31

Downsizing my efforts..

I try to make it through all my workouts. Sometimes you just don't have the energy but you still need to finish - if you can finish with good technique!

I failed a WOD a while back and I asked myself "Was it too hard, did you just quit, Are you weak?" You know all the things that go through your mind trying to come to grips with a lackluster effort.

I realized that I'm not in the shape I thought I was. Pure and simple! So why do workouts that are too hard or use too heavy of a bell? Cause I'm stubborn and I think if I keep using heavier bells I will get stronger. Actually you don't, you end up tearing up your hands and potentially other body parts.

For example the snatch. Should I keep pounding away at the 24 Kg until I get good at it? Or should I drop a size and master that? I say drop a size and work your way up in reps and time until you are ready for the 24 Kg.

Don't get me wrong, still use the 24 kg for snatches, just don't kill yourself with them. Your flaws will reveal themselves when you are on your 4th or 5th minute of snatches - this is where you need to identify and correct them. Are you dropping the bell too fast? Do you initiate the drop with your hips? Do you catch the bell with your hips? Are your jerking the bell on the upswing? Lots & lots of potential errors will pop up when you get tired.

A lighter bell is easier to manage when trying to correct yourself.

So what I'm doing is downsizing some of my workouts or scaling them back to my present fitness level and will increase them as I get stronger...

Today's Effort -

Warm Up

20 Snatches L
25 Two Hand Power Swings (Heavier Bell - Higher Swing)
20 Snatches R
25 Two Hand Swings

Ring Work
15 Knees to Elbows
3 Static Hangs

Repeat 2 to 3 times

Saturday, August 29

Class Today

Introduced to something called the Punch Up. Kinda of like a get up but a little more explosive. I will shoot a video to show this one and also use it to adjust my form.

Today's Effort -

Warm Up -
Jay's mobility drills

Worked on Swings, Cleans, Presses and Snatches in addition to some ring, rope, and pull up bar work. Lots of ab related stuff.

The we worked on this punch up exercise. This is a great way to get some core work in and to get better at the beginning of the TGU. I've realized that I don't do the get up as good as I should...

Friday, August 28

A Simple One

Not much thought into this one..

Used the 16 Kg and tried to lighten it up a bit. Worked on keeping square on the swings, clean & snatches and getting the most out of the exercise.

One Hand Swings
20 R/L

Clean & Press


Ring Rows

3 Sets

Made it through 1 set before I realized I had to feed my son...

Wednesday, August 26

What can you do with Rings/Loops?

Demo for Bandits Loop from art of strength on Vimeo.

Didn't have it today!

My energy levels tend to fluctuate within acceptable levels. I'm happy with my strength and endurance as they are right now. I'm close to 80 or 90% with the left wrist. So all in all, energy & strength are good!

However, some days you know your not fully there. Usually I push through it and finish whatever I'm doing.

Today was not one of those days. First off, I changed the second exercise of toady's WOD about a quarter the way through because I thought it was too easy. I added a thruster to the goblet squat portion and as a result the workout became harder than intended. I quit at swing 6 and goblet squat 15.

Why beat yourself up just to finish. I stopped 30 Minutes into it because I just didn't have it today. You have to work with what you have on any given day, but you also have to know when to stop.

Today I stopped. Still had a terrific workout just didn't finish it...

Today's Effort -

20 - Two Hand Swings
1 - Goblet Squat

19 - Two Hand Swings
2 - Goblet Squat

18 - Two Hand Swings
3 - Goblet Squat

1 - Two Hand Swing
20 - Goblet Squat

For Time

Monday, August 24

Another New Exercise!

Set up some rings in the garage today. No not the Ropes gone Wild or the Professional style, just home made - Home Depot style rings and rope.

If I like how they work my body, maybe I will upgrade?

Today's effort -

4 Stations
3 Rounds

1) Two Handed Swings 28 Kg
20 Reps

2) Ring Pull Ups (Feet on the floor, shoulders elevated slightly)
15 Reps

3) Slam Ball 15 Lbs
20 Reps

4) Bicycles
30 Reps

Couldn't finish 15 good reps on the rings. I had to stop at 5, rest, 5, rest, 5. Shows that I have some "opportunity" with this exercise!

Sunday, August 23

Class at The Kettlebell Club

Sunday's Class

Jay ran us through a workout that used his 2 new full body get ups he is currently working on, surrounded by a bunch of swings, cleans, presses and snatches.

He has a video coming out that will put the pieces together but it's basically a front get up and a side get up - no weight!

Sounds easy but form is the key. My form improved but I'm not very good at getting off the floor, or getting on the floor for that matter.

Seems odd though that I'm in decent shape yet I have trouble getting on and off the floor?

I think he is on to something.

Here is today's workout.

Front Get Up
1 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Side Get Up
2 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Front Get Up
3 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Side Get Up
4 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Front Get Up
5 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Side Get Up
6 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Front Get Up
7 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R
Side Get Up
5 - Swing, Clean, Clean & Press, Snatch, Swing L/R

Wednesday, August 19

A Practice Day

Worked on some things I haven't done in a while. Tried to work across my body...

Here's todays effort -

Warm Up -
Around the world

35 Slam Balls
10 each way

35 Slam Balls
Kneeling Presses
10 R/L

35 Slam Balls
Kettlebell Kneeling Woodchops

35 Slam Balls

Tuesday, August 18

Class Workout

Tried to get to the Kettlebell Club tonight but was unable to. Instead I just did a Club style workout from Jay Armstrong.

Kettlebell 300 #1

Turkish Get Up 2 Reps a Side
Clean & Press 3 Reps a Side
Front Squat 4 Reps a Side

1KB Military Press 5 Reps a Side
Push Ups 5 Reps
Sumo Deadlift 10 Reps
1 KB Snatch 15 Reps a Side

Renegade Rows 5 Reps a Side
1 Hand Swings 20 Reps a Side

See-saw Press 5 Reps a Side
Push Ups 5 Reps
Suitcase Deadlifts 5 Reps a Side
1 KB Clean 10 Reps a Side

Seated Press 5 Reps a Side
1 KB Snatch 15 Reps a Side

Rows 5 Reps a Side
Push Ups 5 Reps a Side
Front Squat 5 Reps a Side
2 Hand KB Swings 40 Reps

2 KB Cleans 10 Reps
Push Ups 5 reps
1/2 Turkish Get Up 5 Reps a Side

Friday, August 14

Fast One!

Was leaving town for my 30 year high school reunion so I had to make it quick. Had no creativity today so I just repeated previous workout.

Normally something I don't like to do but so what...

2 Hand Swings
24 Kg
20 RPM
15 Minutes

Wednesday, August 12

Swing Practice

Today's effort -

Just Swings!

15 Minute Swings
20 RPM
24 Kg

I was working on a more explosive hip drive so I was swinging the bell higher than I normally do, almost eye level. Makes it a little more exhausting.

Worked fine until I tired around the 12th minute.

Tuesday, August 11

WOD 8-10-09

When doing these timed sets it's important to note that you never sacrifice form to complete rep quickly. If your form fails, stop, gather yourself and then complete.

There are 3 reasons I like the timed set style of workout:

1) I'm in my garage with no one pushing me. I use it to keep out the distractions.
2) I use it to assess my conditioning and will power.
3) They are over quickly with awesome benefits.

Bent Press

Workout -
Double kettlebell Squat Thrusters
15 Rep's
16 Kg's
Two Hand Swing
20 Rep's
28 Kg
Inverted V & Hold
15 Pound Slam Ball
16 Kg

3 Sets for Time
Mine 32:26

This was as difficult a workout that I've had. The Squat Thrusters were the killer. My body was not worthy of this kind of effort.

Hence the 32:26 time...


Sunday, August 9

WOD 8-9-09

Had to test myself today so I did the following WOD, -workout of the day- to find out where I'm at.

I'll do this same WOD later and compare times.

30 Wall Ball Shots 12Lbs
30 Slam Balls 15 Lbs
30 Kettlebell Swings 24 Kg
30 Sit Ups

3 Sets for Time

22:33 was mine.

I had to rest more than I wanted to, but you can only push so far...

Saturday, August 8

No Mo!

Today was tough. Legs did not want any part of any workout. They are tired from Thursday. I had no motivation. So I stood around the garage until I did something.

When I get like that I start with a timed set. Like getting dumped in the middle of a lake, you gotta swim home or drown.

Today's Effort:

- 2 Hand Swings 24 Kg
10 Minutes
20 RPM

- Exercise Ball Leg Curls (PT)
3 Sets

- Wall Squats (PT)

- Bicycles
25 Reps

- Wall Ball Shots
2 Sets

The hardest part of this is the PT stuff...My legs suck!

Thursday, August 6

Leg Focus

I've done a poor job of keeping up with my Knee strengthening exercises the last 6 months. I find time to get my kettlebell work it but don't seem to find time to get my knee stuff in.

I didn't think to incorporate the knee stuff into my regular stuff...Thought they were separate.

Here is my first attempt...
Warm Up -
Bike Ride
Quad Stretches
1 & 2 Hand Swings

1) Goblet Squats 20 Kg
25 Reps then 1 Min Slingshots
25 Reps then 1 Min Slingshots

2) Deadlifts 40 Kg
20 reps
20 reps

3) Limbo Lunge 20 Kg
15 Reps
15 Reps

4) Reverse Lunges
10 Reps
10 Reps

5) Hamstring Curls On Exercise Ball
15 Reps
15 Reps

Slam Ball 15 Lbs
50 Reps

Wednesday, August 5

Training Day 8-5-09

Didn't have a clue what to do today, except that it had to have a Get Up and a Windmill...

Warm Up Swings -

- 1/2 Get Ups
15 Reps each side
- Windmills
3 per side
- Lying Press
7 per side
- Halo's
10 each way
- Limbo Lunges
10 each way
- Reverse Lunges
5 each leg

Long Cycle Clean & Press
10 Minutes
10 RPM

Still can't plant the left hand for the get up but the 1/2 Get Up is still a great exercise!

Monday, August 3

What did you eat today?

WOD MK 8-3-09

This is just about volume and form.
Warm Up -

20:00 Minutes
Two Hand Swings
20 RPM

1-15 24 Kg
16-20 20 Kg

Wanted to quit at 15 so I dropped the weight to trick myself into finishing. It worked, but it wasn't much easier with the 20 Kg.

Sunday, August 2

Back to the Club

I've had some great workouts the last year but I tend to focus more on workload and effort than the way in which I do it. I'm not saying I ignore my form, I'm just not good at objectively looking at my technique and coming up with ways to correct them.

So it's time to go back to the Club that helped me the most. Houston's "Kettlebell Club" and Jay Armstrong RKC Team Leader. Along with David Cogswell the club is a great place to get your workouts in and get the corrective coaching necessary for a safe and healthy journey to physical fitness.

Today's workout was a simple 5 circuit season. Only 3 reps per side per curcuit. You can go real heavy for more of a strength workout, or light for more of a cardio workout.

Opened with some great Full Body mobility work, then some swings to warm up.

# 1 - Overhead Pulls
# 2 - Lunge Press - Knee and feet all in 1 line. Opposite knee in lunge position.
# 3 - Pull Ups
# 4 - Lying Press
# 5 - Snatches

Finished with 10 Minutes of Snatches
20 a side and switch.
I failed on the left side and had to put the bell down for a few seconds.

Things I came away with -
I was tucking my neck on the swing. Keep the chin up a bit.
On the snatch
- Initiated the decent by pushing your rear back.
- Catch the kettlebell on the way down with your legs and hips.
- Keep the handle square as it goes through your legs, this will help keep your shoulders square and reduce any upper body twisting.

End with some light stretching.

A good day at the Club!