Wednesday, August 26

Didn't have it today!

My energy levels tend to fluctuate within acceptable levels. I'm happy with my strength and endurance as they are right now. I'm close to 80 or 90% with the left wrist. So all in all, energy & strength are good!

However, some days you know your not fully there. Usually I push through it and finish whatever I'm doing.

Today was not one of those days. First off, I changed the second exercise of toady's WOD about a quarter the way through because I thought it was too easy. I added a thruster to the goblet squat portion and as a result the workout became harder than intended. I quit at swing 6 and goblet squat 15.

Why beat yourself up just to finish. I stopped 30 Minutes into it because I just didn't have it today. You have to work with what you have on any given day, but you also have to know when to stop.

Today I stopped. Still had a terrific workout just didn't finish it...

Today's Effort -

20 - Two Hand Swings
1 - Goblet Squat

19 - Two Hand Swings
2 - Goblet Squat

18 - Two Hand Swings
3 - Goblet Squat

1 - Two Hand Swing
20 - Goblet Squat

For Time

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